Kourna Lake | Travel Guide | Car Rental In Heraklion Airport
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Lake Kournas is the only natural lake with fresh water in Crete. It is located 4.5 km southeast of Georgioupolis and 2.5 km from the sea on the northern edges of the White Mountains. It covers an area of 579 acres with a maximum length, in winter, of 1087 meters and a width of 880 meters.

There were, once, two legends about the creation of the lake. The first one said that several years ago, a girl, wanting to escape her father's love interest, wished that the area, where they lived, would sink and become a lake. The second legend said about God who got angry with the inhabitants of the area and punished them with pouring rains that created the lake. The priest's daughter was the only survivor and appears as a vision sitting on a rock combing her hair.

 The truth is that the lake is supplied with water from two sources, one of which is visible in the summer. The spring water comes from surface and underground streams from the White Mountains.

The water-loving plants and trees of the area provide a green environment and shelter from the wind to the avifauna of the area, whch is protected by the Natura 2000 program. More than 130 species of birds have been recorded, such as common ducks, mallards (aytha nyroca), moorhens (gretta garzerra), coots (plegadis facinellus), cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) etc. Many migratory birds use the waters of the lake as an important stop on their long journey. Also, eels (Anguilla anguilla), atherinas (atherina boyeri), mosquito fish (gambusia affinis) and the rare two-colored turtle (Malaclemys terrapin) are permanent residents of the welcoming wetland.

In recent years the lake has experienced great tourist development as a destination for excursions and walks. There are many things that the visitor can do. They can walk along the shore, it will take 1 hour to go around the lake, and enjoy the peace and quiet. They can swim in the turquoise waters, rent a pedal boat to cross the lake and observe the formations of birds or relax on a sun lounger on the white sand. They can also enjoy their coffee or a traditional meal in one of the cafes or restaurants.

(more articles about Crete on www.gomega.gr)