Medicinal Herbs Of Crete | Travel Guide | Car Rental In Heraklion Airport
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Medicinal Herbs Of Crete

More than 2,000 plants grow in Crete, 200 of which are endemic. Some of these herbs have healing properties and have been used for centuries to treat cold and disease and to heal wounds.

Origanum dictamus grows on cliffs and slopes and is consumed as a drink. It is a very important honey generating plant. It is also known for its soothing action against pain, it has healing properties, it is a medicine for the stomach and is used as a hemostatic.

Cretan marjoram (origanum microphyllum) is an ash-green herb that blooms in the summer and early autumn. It has medicinal properties known since ancient times. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used it as an antiseptic. It is used in the treatment of stomach and intestinal disorders. Due to its special and intense aroma, it is used in perfumery, cooking and confectionery and enhances the taste.

The ancient Greek doctors, pharmacologists and botanists Dioskourides and Galen referred to the use of Malotiras (sideritis syriace) to treat respiratory problems and digestive disorders and strengthen the immune system. Maloteras has been shown to provide headache relief and reduce muscle pain by reducing inflammation. According to modern research, malotiras protects against dementia, as it contributes to the protection of neurons from damage caused by oxidative processes and free radicals.

Sage (salvia officinalis) belongs to the mint family, like oregano, rosemary and thyme. It is consumed as a decoction and as an oil. Its leaves have antiseptic, expectorant and spasmolytic properties. The plant is cardiotonic and is used against neuralgia. It is an antioxidant, and reduces cholesterol in the body. It is antimicrobial and antifungal and the salvin it contains makes it a perfect enemy against staphylococcus and E.Coli. It neutralizes germs and bacteria responsible for dental plaque. It also acts effectively on the symptoms of menopause because it has properties similar to estrogens.

Mentha pulegium is a type of mint that is usually found in coastal areas. It has mild sedative properties, helps with rheumatism and arthritis, detoxifies and cleanses the lungs of smokers and, due to its strong smell, acts as an insect repellent.

Oregano (origanum vulgare) is an herbaceous, perennial, aromatic plant. Cretan oregano is considered one of the best in the world. As a seasoning, it is used in cooking (Greek salad) and it is the basis of the Greek cuisine. As a decoction, it helps with intestinal laxity, hypertension and arteriosclerosis. The essential oil of oregano is used in toothaches.

Thyme (thymus vulgaris) is used as a spice, with a strong and spicy taste, and as a decoction. It is rich in vitamins A, B and C, in iron, calcium and potassium and contributes to the regulation of blood pressure in the production of red blood cells and treatment of the symptoms of inflammation and cell oxidation.

All the above herbs and spices are packed in safe packaging and sold in spice shops throughout Crete and in open and street markets. Sellers are always happy to provide information and brewing instructions.

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